Upcoming Events

Paul O’Neill on “General George Sharpe : Ulster County’s War hero”
George H. Sharpe - Spy Master, confidant to Generals and Presidents, the man who brought down Tammany Hall. His intelligence during the summer of 1863 led ultimately to the Battle of Gettysburg and helped seal the fate of the Confederate South. But Kingstonian George Sharpe wore many hats during his lifetime, from Colonel of Ulster County’s 120th NY Volunteer Infantry Regiment - the Washington Guard - to inventor of modern military intelligence to the U.S. Marshall that tackled the Boss Tweed Ring. Come learn about Ulster County’s true Civil War hero - George Henry Sharpe.

Tamar Adler on "An Everlasting Meal: Something Old, Something New"
Tamar Adler is the James Beard and IACP Award-winning author of An Everlasting Meal; Something Old, Something New; and An Everlasting Meal Cookbook. She is a Contributing Editor at Vogue, has been a New York Times Magazine columnist, writes The Kitchen Shrink culinary advice column on Substack, and hosts the Luminary podcast Food Actually. She has cooked at the legendary Chez Panisse in Berkeley, and Blue Hills at Stone Barns. Ms. Adler lives in Hudson, NY.

Ron Knapp on "Perrine’s Covered Bridge: Celebrating 200 Years Across the Wallkill River (Perrine's was first erected in 1821 and covered in 1822)"
"Perrine’s Covered Bridge: Celebrating 200 Years Across the Wallkill River: Then & Now" is an illustrated talk that draws on archival and field research. While the talk focuses on Perrine's Bridge, it will also mention two other bridges build across the Wallkill River in the 1820s in the then larger Town of New Paltz--New Paltz Main Street Bridge 1820/1821; Perrine's Bridge 1821/1822; and Phillies Bridge 1826/1827--and then brings the stories forward into the 21st century. The talk will highlight why two dates are shown here.

Devin Lander and guest panel on "Unlocking History: Innovative Approaches to Preservation and Public Engagement"
Join Devin Lander, NY State Historian, and an expert panel for a discussion of Innovations in New York History. He will moderate a symposium of leading regional history for a broad discussion of challenges and opportunities for historians and historic sites in New York. The panel includes Prof. of Thomas Wermuth of Marist College, D&H Canal Historical Society Historian/Curator Bill Merchant, Ulster County Historian Eddie Moran, and Sean Sawyer, President of the Olana Partnership. This event is co-hosted by the Hudson River Valley Institute of Marist College.

Jon Palmer on “The Catskill Mountain House”.
Ulster County Archivist and Greene County Historian Jon Palmer on The Catskill Mountain House.

Sally Cross and Peter Bienstock will discuss” Philanthropy: Raising Money for Nonprofits”.
Sally Cross and Peter Bienstock will discuss Philanthropy: Raising Money for Nonprofits. Sally J. Cross is a development professional with more than thirty-five years’ experience. She recently retired after nine years at the Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley, where she served most recently as President & CEO. She has also taught planned giving, major gifts, and capital campaigns in Bay Path University's graduate Nonprofit Fundraising program. She is presently a consultant in development for nonprofit institutions. Peter Bienstock is President of the D&H Canal Historical Society. He has chaired or co-chaired capital and other fundraising campaigns for Harvard University, the Arts Council of Princeton (NJ) and Storm King Art Center which have raised over $100 million.

A Conversation with D&H Historian Bill Merchant aboard "Solaris"
Historian Bill Merchant is once again featured on the Hudson River Maritime Museum’s solar powered boat, Solaris. On the first Sundays of the months of June through October, he guides participants in a conversation about the many remains of the Rondout’s history that can be seen along the waterfront, as Solaris sails from the Maritime Museum to the Eddyville Dam and back. The trip starts at 4:00pm. Book your seat now, these popular tours sell out quickly. Go to www.hrmm/all-boat-tours.html to reserve your place.

Chris Silva on “My Life in the Performing Arts”.
Chris Silva will speak on My Life in the Performing Arts. Chris has been associated with some of the finest theaters in the nation and the most outstanding actors, playwrights, producers and directors. From 1994 until his retirement last year, he ran New York State's oldest continuously operating theater, the Bardavon in Poughkeepsie, as well as the Ulster Performing Arts Center. During his tenure twenty-two million dollars in capital improvements were made to the two theaters, and artists as diverse as Itzhak Perlman, Al Pacion, Patti LaBelle and Bob Dylan performed in them.

Eddie Moran on “Entries of Note in the Account Book of Louis Bevier Jr.
Ulster County Historian Eddie Moran on Entries of Note in the Account Book of Louis Bevier Jr.

A Conversation with D&H Historian Bill Merchant aboard "Solaris"
Historian Bill Merchant is once again featured on the Hudson River Maritime Museum’s solar powered boat, Solaris. On the first Sundays of the months of June through October, he guides participants in a conversation about the many remains of the Rondout’s history that can be seen along the waterfront, as Solaris sails from the Maritime Museum to the Eddyville Dam and back. The trip starts at 4:00pm. Book your seat now, these popular tours sell out quickly. Go to www.hrmm/all-boat-tours.html to reserve your place.

Bill Merchant on “The D&H Canal and Gravity RR on its 200th anniversary”.
2025 marks the 200th Anniversary of the initiation of the Delaware and Hudson Canal. The Delaware and Hudson Transportation Heritage Council (DHTHC) is sponsoring a series of events, through 2029, in celebration. D&HCHS Historian and DHTHC President Bill Merchant will give an illustrated lecture on its important history and will discuss the many features that enthusiasts can visit today. This is part of a weekend’s worth of celebrations of the D&H Canal and Gravity Railroad.

"The D&H Canal and Gravity RR in Postcards"
2025 marks the 200th Anniversary of the initiation of the Delaware and Hudson Canal. The Delaware and Hudson Transportation Heritage Council (DHTHC) is sponsoring a series of events, through 2029, in celebration. D&HCHS Historian and DHTHC President Bill Merchant will give a lecture on its important history, illustrated entirely with post card images. This is part of a weekend’s worth of celebrations of the D&H Canal and Gravity Railroad.

A Conversation with D&H Historian Bill Merchant aboard "Solaris"
Historian Bill Merchant is once again featured on the Hudson River Maritime Museum’s solar powered boat, Solaris. On the first Sundays of the months of June through October, he guides participants in a conversation about the many remains of the Rondout’s history that can be seen along the waterfront, as Solaris sails from the Maritime Museum to the Eddyville Dam and back. The trip starts at 4:00pm. Book your seat now, these popular tours sell out quickly. Go to www.hrmm/all-boat-tours.html to reserve your place.

Nancy Bachana on “The D&H Canal made the Sullivan County Tanning Industry Possible”.
D&H Canal Historical Society Concierge Nancy Bachana on The D&H Canal Made the Sullivan County Tanning Industry Possible.

A Conversation with D&H Historian Bill Merchant aboard "Solaris"
Historian Bill Merchant is once again featured on the Hudson River Maritime Museum’s solar powered boat, Solaris. On the first Sundays of the months of June through October, he guides participants in a conversation about the many remains of the Rondout’s history that can be seen along the waterfront, as Solaris sails from the Maritime Museum to the Eddyville Dam and back. The trip starts at 4:00pm. Book your seat now, these popular tours sell out quickly. Go to www.hrmm/all-boat-tours.html to reserve your place.

Taylor Bruck on “Henry Abbey, the Bard of Kingston”.
Ulster County Clerk and Kingston Historian Taylor Bruck presents on on Henry Abbey, the Bard of Kingston .
Born in 1842 in Rondout, Henry Abbey was a prolific poet and among the first published authors from Ulster County. Known for his charming and accessible poetry, Abbey was celebrated in his time as one of the best minor poets in the country, even attracting visits from literary luminaries like Oscar Wilde and Mark Twain. Though his works never gained recognition as truly great, Abbey’s ability to capture the spirit of his era remains invaluable. His poems often addressed significant events, such as the Battle of Gettysburg, offering unique historical insights through an artist's lens. Join us to delve into the life and legacy of this 19th-century poet and explore how art helps shape our understanding of history.

Professor Robert Person of the US Military Academy on "Russia and the West".
Professor Robert Person of the US Military Academy on Russia and the West. Dr. Person is Director of Curriculum, for the International Affairs Program at USMA. He has published numerous articles on international affairs, with a specialty on Russia. He is the recipient of the Army Civilian Service Achievement Medal and is a consultant to the Department of Defense and other US Government agencies.

A Conversation with D&H Historian Bill Merchant aboard "Solaris"
Historian Bill Merchant is once again featured on the Hudson River Maritime Museum’s solar powered boat, Solaris. On the first Sundays of the months of June through October, he guides participants in a conversation about the many remains of the Rondout’s history that can be seen along the waterfront, as Solaris sails from the Maritime Museum to the Eddyville Dam and back. The trip starts at 4:00pm. Book your seat now, these popular tours sell out quickly. Go to www.hrmm/all-boat-tours.html to reserve your place.

Professor Kevin Lerner on "The Crisis in American Journalism".
Professor Kevin Lerner, Chair of the Department of Communication at Marist College on The Crisis in American Journalism. He has written extensively on American journalism in the NY Times, Washington Post, New York Magazine, Slate and professional journals.
Richard Levitt on “Putin's Godfathers”.
NYU Professor Richard Levitt on Putin's Godfathers. He has been associated with the NYU Center for Global Affairs since 2009. His other experience includes politico-military affairs with the US Department of State, post-Communist political and social development at the EastWest Institute and the Centre for European Security Studies, and emerging and developed market finance with a number of global investment banks. He was recognized for excellence in teaching by NYU's School of Professional Studies in 2015.

Foreign Policy Implications of the Election
Ambassador Fred Hof and Malia Du Mont and Prof. of History Karin Riedl on Foreign Policy Implications of the Election.

"Haunted High Falls", Siren Theatre's immersive theatrical experience
Back from the dead and hungry for your attention, Siren Theatre and the D&H Canal Historical Society welcome you to the second year of Haunted High Falls: Tales from the Canal, a hair-raising, immersive theatre experience. Come explore the 1797 DePuy Tavern and sections of the former D&H Canal. Wake the dead and discover the terrible secret of those who lived, toiled and perished there. Inspired by true tales of hauntings and horror from High Falls and surrounding towns, this is a night you will never forget.
$26 (a limited number of discounted tickets available upon request) BYOF (please bring your own flashlight!)
Make your reservation today here- https://www.canalmuseum.org/hauntedhf-2024

“Haunted High Falls”, Siren Theater's immersive theatrical experience
Back from the dead and hungry for your attention, Siren Theatre and the D&H Canal Historical Society welcome you to the second year of Haunted High Falls: Tales from the Canal, a hair-raising, immersive theatre experience. Come explore the 1797 DePuy Tavern and sections of the former D&H Canal. Wake the dead and discover the terrible secret of those who lived, toiled and perished there. Inspired by true tales of hauntings and horror from High Falls and surrounding towns, this is a night you will never forget.
$26 (a limited number of discounted tickets available upon request) BYOF (please bring your own flashlight!)
Make your reservation today here- https://www.canalmuseum.org/hauntedhf-2024

"Haunted High Falls", Siren Theatre's immersive theatrical experience
Back from the dead and hungry for your attention, Siren Theatre and the D&H Canal Historical Society welcome you to the second year of Haunted High Falls: Tales from the Canal, a hair-raising, immersive theatre experience. Come explore the 1797 DePuy Tavern and sections of the former D&H Canal. Wake the dead and discover the terrible secret of those who lived, toiled and perished there. Inspired by true tales of hauntings and horror from High Falls and surrounding towns, this is a night you will never forget.
$26 (a limited number of discounted tickets available upon request) BYOF (please bring your own flashlight!)
Make your reservation today here- https://www.canalmuseum.org/hauntedhf-2024

Free Guided tour of the five locks walk
Join our Historian Bill Merchant for a free guided tour of our National Historic Landmark Five Locks Walk on New York’s Path Through History Weekend. Meet at the Mid-Hudson Visitor Center at 2:00pm for hike with history. No advance registration needed.

A Conversation with D&H Historian Bill Merchant on solaris
This season our Historian Bill Merchant will once again be featured on the Hudson River Maritime Museum’s solar powered boat, Solaris. Given on the first Sundays of the months of June through October, he guides participants in a conversation about the many remains of the Rondout’s history that can be seen along the waterfront, as Solaris sails from the Maritime Museum to the Eddyville Dam and back. The trip starts at 4:00pm. Book your seat now, these popular tours sell out quickly. Go to www.hrmm/all-boat-tours.html to reserve your place.

Wine and Food of the Presidents
Join us for an excellent dinner with curated wine pairings inspired by famous presidential dinners, a silent auction, and musical performances from Hamilton.

Zali Win on "The Tragedy of Burma".
Zali Win on The Tragedy of Burma. Zali is head of Transactional Commodity Finance- North America at Credit Agricole. He is the principal officer of Rondout-Esopus Land Conservancy and board chair of Philander Chase Conservancy. Zali is also founding board chair of Parami University, a new online university directed towards students from Burma that is part of Open Society University Network. He has worked as a volunteer for non profit organizations for more than 25 years and currently advises a number of educational and humanitarian NGOs that serve individuals in Burma, Thailand and Indonesia.

Geoff Miller "In Search of the Hudson River School of Musicians"
Ulster County Historian Geoffrey Miller presents In Search of the Hudson River School of Musicians, which focuses on the major American and foreign-born composers working in the United States in the early through mid-19th century. There was definitely a body of works produced during the period reflective of the ethos of the Hudson River School Artists (the search for the picturesque and the sublime), but it failed to coalesce into a movement because of a number of reasons which he will explore. Immigrant and native-born composers, though, did find employment throughout the region as choral directors for churches, music instructors at local academies, and band directors, leaving behind a record of their activities in sheet music, much of it published locally, with music for the church, school graduations and other public events.

Free Guided Tour of the Five Locks Walk
Join our Historian Bill Merchant for a free guided tour of our National Historic Landmark Five Locks Walk as part of the Hudson River Valley Ramble. Meet at the Mid-Hudson Visitor Center at 2:00pm for hike with history. No advance registration needed.

Roxanne Dupuis on "Public Libraries in Crisis: the Challenges Facing a Beloved American Institution".
Roxanne Dupuis will lecture on "Public Libraries in Crisis: the Challenges Facing a Beloved American Institution".
Roxanne Dupuis is a population health scientist whose research focuses on community health, the social determinants of health, and the relationship between foodways and health.
For many years, she engaged with local residents and community organizations on the Healthy Library Initiative based at the University of Pennsylvania. As part of this initiative, she worked with the Free Library of Philadelphia, the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, and the Public Library Association to harness the power of public libraries to improve population health. These efforts were published in leading public health journals, with extensive press attention.
Roxanne received her BA in Anthropology from McGill University in Montreal, where she is originally from. She received her MSPH in Health Education and Health Communication from Johns Hopkins University and her PhD in Population Health Sciences from Harvard University. She is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Population Health at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine. Roxanne lives in the Hudson Valley with her husband and their 2-year-old son.

Free Guided Tour of the Five Locks Walk
Join our Historian Bill Merchant for a free guided tour of our National Historic Landmark Five Locks Walk as part of the Hudson River Valley Ramble. Meet at the Mid-Hudson Visitor Center at 2:00pm for hike with history. No advance registration needed.

A Conversation with D&H Historian Bill Merchant on Solaris
This season our Historian Bill Merchant will once again be featured on the Hudson River Maritime Museum’s solar powered boat, Solaris. Given on the first Sundays of the months of June through October, he guides participants in a conversation about the many remains of the Rondout’s history that can be seen along the waterfront, as Solaris sails from the Maritime Museum to the Eddyville Dam and back. The trip starts at 4:00pm. Book your seat now, these popular tours sell out quickly. Go to www.hrmm/all-boat-tours.html to reserve your place.

John Roebling's D&H Canal Aqueducts
Roebling Historian Professor Paul King presents “John Roebling’s D&H Canal Aqueducts”.

Marianna Boncek on "Time and the Valleys: an Exploration of New York City’s Water Systems"
Time and the Valleys: an Exploration of New York City’s Water Systems (and the sacrifices made by local residents to provide New York City with clean water). This talk will explore the fascinating and turbulent history of water, people and the Catskills, specifically the Catskill/Delaware watershed with a focus on the Rondout and Neversink Reservoirs. Boncek will take us back to a time before the reservoir, the endless need of New York City to find a source of clean water and the choice of the sites of the Rondout and Neversink Reservoir. You will learn about the lost towns of Montela, Lackawack and Eureka and how their loss through eminent domain is still felt in the area today.

A Conversation with D&H Historian Bill Merchant on Solaris
This season our Historian Bill Merchant will once again be featured on the Hudson River Maritime Museum’s solar powered boat, Solaris. Given on the first Sundays of the months of June through October, he guides participants in a conversation about the many remains of the Rondout’s history that can be seen along the waterfront, as Solaris sails from the Maritime Museum to the Eddyville Dam and back. The trip starts at 4:00pm. Book your seat now, these popular tours sell out quickly. Go to www.hrmm/all-boat-tours.html to reserve your place.

Screening of Tobe Carey Film "Stanley's House".
We will screen Tobe Carey’s film “Stanley's House” on July 26, 2024 which is 3 days before the 119th birthday of Pulitzer Prize winning and former US Poet Laureate, Stanley Kunitz, with whom Tobe shared a Worcester, MA house some thirty years apart. The film concentrates on Stanley's life and his Worcester poems which revolve around his struggles to understand his family dynamics and his familiarity with the house and neighborhood we shared, as well as my family's connection to that house. More info here: https://willowmixedmedia.org/collections/shop-all-films/products/stanleys-house

Bill Merchant Presents "The D&H Canal, 19th Century Engine of Prosperity"
The Delaware & Hudson Canal was an important industrial enterprise in 19th century America, marketing Pennsylvania anthracite coal through its Canal and, later, its extensive railroad network. In this presentation, Bill Merchant tells the story of D&H Canal and its Gravity Railroad.

Beth Forrest "What is 'American Food’”
Beth Forrest will present “What is ‘American Food’”?. She is a Professor at the Culinary Institute of America, the author or editor of numerous books and articles on culinary history, and Board Secretary and Past President of The Association for the Study of Food and Society.
We're in a nation where more salsa than catsup is sold and where tacos compete with burgers even in Idaho and Alabama. And there are 100,000 Chinese restaurants to compete with 100,000 McDonalds'. This phenomena is not confined to the USA. When Britons are polled, they invariably state that their favorite food is "curry".
Have a nice early dinner of curry or sushi or Pad Thai or Pizza, and then join us.
Kevin Zraly, a winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the James Beard Foundation, and longtime trustee of the Culinary Institute, will introduce the speaker. Kevin is of course a father of the food and wine revolution in our country and in the world.

A Conversation with D&H Historian Bill Merchant on Solaris
This season our Historian Bill Merchant will once again be featured on the Hudson River Maritime Museum’s solar powered boat, Solaris. Given on the first Sundays of the months of June through October, he guides participants in a conversation about the many remains of the Rondout’s history that can be seen along the waterfront, as Solaris sails from the Maritime Museum to the Eddyville Dam and back. The trip starts at 4:00pm. Book your seat now, these popular tours sell out quickly. Go to www.hrmm/all-boat-tours.html to reserve your place.

Historian Bill Merchant guest hosts at Ulster County's Persen House
Join D&H Canal Historian Bill Merchant at the Persen House, where he will answer questions, show images, and discuss the history of the D&H Canal and Gravity Railroad and its relation to Kingston NY.
Paul Misko on "The Catskill Tanneries: An Environmental Disaster with a Happy Ending"
Paul Misko has been hiking in the Catskills since childhood. Over the years he has learned much about the Catskill forest, and the human history within it. Though his main focus is Woodland Valley, near Phoenicia, he has done research throughout the whole Catskill region.
In 2009 he founded the Catskill 4000 Club, a small hiking group which focuses on history themed hikes and events. He has written articles for Kaatskill Life, and the Catskill Mountain Region Guide. He regularly gives talks on Catskill history, American history, and John Burroughs. He shares his research both in person, and on WIOX radio's "From the Forest", and conducts Catskill trivia quiz shows as well.
His multi-media presentation will be; "The Catskill Tanneries: An Environmental Disaster with a Happy Ending."
Almost every valley in the Catskills was home to a Tannery, an industry which demanded huge supplies of Hemlock bark. This led to the near clear-cutting of most of our mountainsides. Was this a bad thing? Come and hear about the tanneries, how they operated, the men that worked them, and how it all affected the Catskill forests.

Free Guided Tour of the Five Locks Walk
Join our Historian Bill Merchant for a free guided tour of our National Historic Landmark Five Locks Walk on New York’s Path Through History Weekend. Meet at the Mid-Hudson Visitor Center at 2:00pm for hike with history. No advance registration needed.

Max Margulies on "Contemporary Challenges for the US Military at Home and Abroad".
Max Margulies, Director of Research and Assistant Professor at the Modern War Institute at West Point will speak on Contemporary Challenges for the US Military at Home and Abroad. Prof. Margulies is course director for thesis and capstone programs in the Military Academy's Defense and Strategic Studies Program.

D&H Historian Bill Merchant presents "Marginalized Workers on the D&H Canal".
Stories of the Marginalized Workers on the D&H Canal
The Delaware & Hudson Canal was an important industrial enterprise in 19th century America, marketing Pennsylvania anthracite coal through its Canal and, later, its extensive railroad network. It relied on the labor of marginalized peoples- immigrants, women, children and people of color- to construct and operate its Canal. D&H Canal Historical Society Historian Bill Merchant has done extensive research on these workers. In this presentation, full of great period images, he tells some of their stories.

A Conversation with D&H Historian Bill Merchant on Solaris
This season our Historian Bill Merchant will once again be featured on the Hudson River Maritime Museum’s solar powered boat, Solaris. Given on the first Sundays of the months of June through October, he guides participants in a conversation about the many remains of the Rondout’s history that can be seen along the waterfront, as Solaris sails from the Maritime Museum to the Eddyville Dam and back. The trip starts at 4:00pm. Book your seat now, these popular tours sell out quickly. Go to www.hrmm/all-boat-tours.html to reserve your place.

D&H Historian, Bill Merchant on "Women on the D&H Canal".
The Delaware & Hudson Canal was an important industrial enterprise in 19th century America, marketing Pennsylvania anthracite coal through its Canal and, later, its extensive railroad network. It relied on the labor of marginalized peoples- immigrants, women, children and people of color- to construct and operate its Canal. Historian Bill Merchant has conducted extensive research on the plight of the many marginalized peoples who comprised the vast majority of this workforce. Although women are the most ignored by history, this presentation relates how women contributed to its immense success, using stories from primary sources and many period images.

Brushstrokes and Bids
Join us on May 18 for refreshments, tours, silent auction, and the official unveiling of a significant acquisition to the collection—
an 1888 oil painting of High Falls! Free, no registration required.

Prof. Juris Pupcenoks on "Russian Disinformation"
Associate Professor of Political Science at Marist College Juris Pupcenoks will discuss Russian Disinformation. Prof. Pupcenoks received a prestigious fellowship to study responses to Russian strategic narratives and disinformation at the Academy of International Affairs in Bonn, Germany, in 2023.

Bill Merchant presents “Marginalized Workers on the D&H Canal”.
The Delaware & Hudson Canal was an important industrial enterprise in 19th century America, marketing Pennsylvania anthracite coal through its Canal and, later, its extensive railroad network. It relied on the labor of marginalized peoples- immigrants, women, children and people of color- to construct and operate its Canal. D&H Canal Historical Society Historian Bill Merchant has done extensive research on these workers. In this presentation, full of great period images, he tells some of their stories.